The Acclerate Mastermind is an all-inclusive group, for newly qualified and experienced NTs alike, who are on a mission to increase their income and impact – on their terms, in alignment with their true selves, without burning out.
Let us ask you…
We know how you feel, we've been there ourselves
Nicki & Gwen
Both NTs, nicki and Gwen have 25 years of experience building successful businesses of their own, on their own terms.
They have successfully created diverse, reliable income streams by implementing different business strategies and models that work for them.
More importantly, they have helped thousands of NTs to start and grow their clinic and businesses whilst inspiring them to shine out of their comfort zones, conquer their fears and create simple but profitable businesses and practices that they love, on their own terms.
Who are you?
You're a motivated, newly qualified OR experienced NT, determined to make an impact with the knowledge that you have. You are dedicated to using this knowledge to help others and are serious about starting or growing a sustainable business on your terms, even if you have limited hours. You may sometimes feel that your decisions and actions are fraught with hesitations and self doubt but you know that with high calibre expert help, direction and unrivaled support you can launch off the starting block or take your business to the next level with confidence and ease.
Most NTs think their income can only be occasional, unpredictable and largely out of their control especially during economic difficulty…..
These are false beliefs and exactly what we are here to help with
According to research by Harvard University Psychologist Dr David McClelland, the people you habitually associate with determine as much as 95% of your success in life.
To be successful long-term, you need to be intentional with the people you surround yourself with. You need people who will support your progress towards your goals.
Are you ready to be intentional?
There's nothing like this on offer in the NT world!
Mindset Matters
Navigating the entrepreneurial journey is far more than just mastering the right strategies and steps; it's about overcoming the mental hurdles that often hold us back from taking necessary action.
You're familiar with them:
- The nagging imposter syndrome
- Persistent procrastination
- A muddled sense of direction
- Debilitating self-doubt
- The endless loop of negative self-talk
Not to mention the feeling of being overwhelmed, chronic stress, ingrained limiting beliefs, and the dreaded burnout. It's can be a cocktail of all these mental blocks at once.
The good news is that Accelerate has got you covered!
Throughout the year you’ll be coached by our incredible Mindset Coach, Sarah Bramall. Sarah is an ACC ICF qualified and accredited Transformation Coach, Lead Coach Trainer for The Coaching Academy.
She will help you with any mental blocks and mindset issues so that you can achieve the success you deserve!

12 Month Programme
Virtual or in person 2 night retreat at Champneys Tring
25-27 January
Fortnightly online alternate coaching sessions with Nicki and Gwen
3x Quarterly whole day planning and strategy days in London
3x Quarterly mindet coaching and support with our world class ICF accredited mindset coach
Private WhatsApp groups for questions, support, and accountability
Exclusive access to Nicki and Gwen's extensive course library, resources & network (priceless!)
What our Masterminders are Saying…
The People
When you join this group, you join a team of fellow NTs all striving to reach their potential and on the way to having more income, impact, and freedom – but on their own terms. An inner circle of cheerleaders and supportive colleagues who can help you get unstuck, and move to your next level, whatever that looks like for you.
It will also be a place to share your own insights and help others' success, since helping others is one of our highest values as NTs and one that gives us incredible fulfilment.
CAN YOU IMAGINE how empowered you'd feel with this kind of support?
“No mind is complete by itself. It needs contact and association with other minds to grow and expand!”
The proper use of a Mastermind Group is the cornerstone to all great achievement, and it is one of the steps that people most often overlook. A Mastermind Group allows us to draw freely from the experience, training, skills, and knowledge of others who aline with our definite major purpose. The resulting benefits include a magnification of the combined qualities of each member, as well as increased courage, faith, and a host of other positive advantages.
The Journey
- 2 day business retreat at Champneys Tring – 25-27 January – this year we're doing something very special. We're offering our 2 Day Business Retreat at COST. Which means you get our time and coaching totally FREE, including our workld class Mindset Coach.
We kick off at the stunning Champneys Tring spa resort, where we will take a deep dive into the heart of your business and vision, helping you work out your next steps and get you on the right path to fast track your success. You'll get 2 nights in your own room, all meals and spa access included. You'll get to know the group and you'll get a load of 1-1 time with us to boot!
We know how valuable this intensive time can be, which is why we're offering you this retreat ‘at cost'. It's a fabulous opportunity! But if you can't be there with us, you won't miss any of the sessions – you can join us for our virtual livestream!
- Fortnightly Coaching Calls – get support, accountability and coaching with Nicki and Gwen every 2 weeks. All calls are recorded if you miss any.
- Quarterly Meet Ups – after the retreat we'll meet up 3 times throughout the year for a day in London to review your progress and action plan for the next quarter. These days are super productive, and lots of fun, with a fab lunch and refreshments included.
- Mindset Coaching – you can't build a business without the right mindset! We've got fantastic world class ICG accredited Mindset Coaches to support you throughout the year to build your confidence, self belief and motivation.
- Private WhatsApp Group – you don't have to wait for the fortnightly calls to get support or ask a question. Our private WhatsApp group is there for you.
- Bonuses – Nicki & Gwen have built up an extensive library and network of resources over the last 25 years collectively – it's worth a fortune! And you'll get access to ALL of it while you're on the programme.
Who is it for?
This programme is for you if:
This programme is NOT for you if:
You're just starting out or coming back to your NT business and want a guiding hand from 2 experienced NTs
You are working too hard for too little, and want more freedom & income
You would love to grow or scale but just don't know how
You want to grow your business YOUR WAY and feel fulfilled
You're not willing to invest in your business or yourself
You are not able to commit to the majority of coaching sessions or meet ups
You want a Done For You service – there will be work involved if you want to get the most out of the programme! (However we no doubt know someone in our network who could help you!)
Are you ready?
So if you're an NT ready to start or grow a business that allows you to get out of your own way, think bigger, make more impact, generate more income, and breakthrough your money mindset blocks all in a way that truly fills up your own cup, we'd love to invite you to book a FREE Strategy Call with us to understand your vision and help you work out your next steps.
Accelerate will potentially be the single most powerful investment you could make in yourself and your business. And this year, due to the current economic clinate, we have made it even more affordable and accessible.
There's a new 24 month payment plan!
We've also recognised that not everyone can attend a 2 Day Retreat, so this year we are offering a VIRTUAL option where you can join us for the livestream or watch the recorded sessions in your own time.
If you are able to attend the 2 Day Retreat at Champneys IN PERSON on 25-27 January, here are you payment options. (It's only an extra £500 to attend the retreat with us, including accomodation, all meals, refreshments and SPA access!)
Pay in Full
Pay in 12
Pay in 24
If you are NOT able to attend the 2 Day Retreat and want to watch it VIRTUALLY, here are your payment options.
Pay in Full
Pay in 12
Pay in 24
What do you need in your business?
If you said YES to any of these, we can help you!
Book Your Free Strategy Call
Book a FREE, no obligation Business Strategy Session to assess where you are in your business, and what steps you need to take next. We'd love to give you a chance to start 2024 on the right path for YOU and nobody else.
I was really scared to reach out for support, but I had tried for so long to do things on my own, and now I'm in the mastermind, I am feeling so inspired and supported! I’ve been given direction and focus, and I don’t feel like a rabbit in headlights any more.
Lisa Unger
.Enrolling in the Accelerate Mastermind has been a game-changer for me. Both Gwen & Nicki’s real-world insights and practical advice have been invaluable in shaping my own nutrition business. The support, mentorship and accountability keep me on track, now I’m working towards my goals without distraction or procrastination. I have found this programme transformative for developing my business, and I highly recommend it to others who are keen to do the same
Jill Dumas
Jo Kelly
It’s been a real privilege to work with Gwen and Nicki and all of the other women in the programme. I've learnt SO much. Gwen & Nicki have the tools, expertise and knowledge, to really support you to create your vision. And they really have your back.
Melinda McDougall
Frequently Asked Questions
I can't attend the retreat, is it still worth joining?
Although we'd love to see you in person, we recognise this isn't always possible. We don't want that to stop you though. So this year, we have a VIRTUAL option where you can join us for the livestream or watch the recordings in your own time.
How much time will being part of the mastermind take up?
This is totally up to you and what you want to achieve in your business. You will need to attend or watch the Retreat sessions and do some foundational work on your vision so that we can help you get there. And keep up with the majority of our fortnightly calls and quarterly meet ups so that we can keep you accountable. We will help you build the business that feels right for you and has exactly the right work/life balance.
What if I am just starting out?
The Mastermind is perfect for you if you're just starting out. We'll help you build your business from the ground up, the right way for you.
I've been practising for a while, is this right for me?
Many NT's are working too hard for too little, struggling to get consisitent ideal clients through the door that are paying well, or wanting to scale and grow but are so tied up with client work that they don't have time to think! This is where the mastermind can help. We can get you out of your day to day and help you make the necessary adjustments to have more income, freedom and impact.
Will I get support to implement the changes?
Yes! As well as regular support from Gwen & Nicki, you'll get access to their expansive network of contacts and resources in the business world to help you implement your plan. Whether you need to build or tweak your website, build an email list or sales funnel, or get some design help, they've got you covered!
Can we do the quarterly meet ups virtually too?
Unfortunately we won't be recording the quarterly meet up days. These days are really valuable for accountability and planning (and it's always fun catching up with each other in person). However if you can't attend them, it won't affect your overall progress.
What if I can't make all the coaching calls?
That's fine. The coaching calls are fortnightly so you won't be far from the next one! They are all recorded too, so you can watch them back if you want to.
How many will be in the Mastermind group?
We always aim to keep our Mastermind group small and exclusive so that we can give you our best attention to properly support you. Our ideal group size is between 10 and 20.
Book Your Free
Strategy Call
We can't wait to
chat with you!
Book Your Free
Strategy Call
We can't wait to
chat with you!