Are you happy with the income you're making as an NT?
Are you making the kind of impact that you're capable of?
Would you like to work less and have more time to do the things you love?
Are you just starting out and want to get things right from the beginning?
If you're a Nutritional Therapist like me, you want to help people to enjoy the best health possible. Sometimes it can be hard to do that when you don't have the business skills needed to market yourself and get clients..
I'm Nicki Williams, registered Nutritional Therapist, and owner of Happy Hormones for Life. In the last 8 years, I have built a nutrition based business that I love and that has a big impact.
And now I'm on a mission to share what I've learnt. The more successful NT's out there, the more people get the help they desperately need.
Whether you're just starting out or you've been practising a while, I'll show you the structure, tools and strategies that I use, so that you can build and grow a business that allows you to earn more, work less and have a much bigger impact.
Join me and let's do this together…
Your Essential ToolKit To Build A Successful NT Business
A 12 week online course with the Content, Community and Coaching you need to earn more, work less and have a bigger impact
29th Jan – 26th April
What are the main shifts we need to make?
From Overwhelm To Focus
There is so much information out there on how to grow your business – build a sales funnel, write a book, write blogs, be all over social media, have a lead magnet, do videos, get out and speak, make an online course, do a podcast. The list is endless! No wonder you can feel overwhelmed. This course will get you from overwhelm to FOCUS.
From Self Doubt To Confidence
Sometimes it's hard to feel confident in selling yourself and your services. Your inner critics may be telling you ‘you're not good enough' or ‘no-one will buy from you'. I'll show you some skills to build your confidence and quiet your inner critics so that you can move forward and succeed.
From Confusion to Clarity
It can be hard to make decisions on your market, message and media when you naturally want to help everyone! I will show you how to get really clear on the who, what and how of your business so that you can easily attract the right clients and do the work you love.
From Single Sessions to Powerful Packages
Creating a package allows you to earn more, work less and make a bigger impact by getting better results. Knowing how to package up your services and what to charge can be tricky, I'll help you create a package that your clients will love and pay you good money for.
From Awkward to Easy
The sales conversation can be a big challenge for many NT's. Sales can feel ‘icky', so many NT's find it hard to sell their services, or they hugely undercharge. If this isn't addressed, you will never be able to grow your business and help more people. I'll show you how easy sales can be!
Your Essential ToolKit To Build A Successful NT Business
A 12 week online course with the Content, Community and Coaching you need to earn more, work less and have a bigger impact
29th Jan - 26th April 2024
9 LIVE Group Mentoring Calls (on Zoom) – to answer your questions and give you coaching on your ideas. Access to recordings in case you miss them
Your Investment
Investing in the NTBA Foundation is a powerful investment in yourself and your business. The potential return in income, meaning and freedom is priceless! And this year, due to the current economic climate, I have made it even more affordable and accessible.
There's a new 12 month payment plan!
Pay in Full
Pay in 3
Pay in 12
What's Inside The Course
Module 1 – Vision & Values
In the first module we'll be looking at how you need to be thinking about your business, your mindset, values and vision, and your big WHY – what more money, meaning and freedom looks like to you. Once you have these foundations in place, your decisions and journey ahead will be a whole lot simpler!
Module 2 – Market & Message
In Module 2 we will be identifying your niche, market, ideal client, pitch, story and bio. Getting crystal clear on this will enable you to attract exactly the right clients that want to work with you, and ensure that you are doing the work you love.
Module 3 – Your Expert Brand
In this module we'll be looking at how you build your brand, how to be seen as an expert in your field, how to build a website that converts and how to set up your social media so that it reflects you and your brand and attracts the right potential clients.
Module 4 – Ninja Marketing
In Module 4 we will be looking at how to be a super ninja marketer! How to create a marketing strategy and plan that fits into your timeframe and strengths, and consistently builds your audience of ideal clients.
Module 5 – Package & Price
The one hour stand alone consultation is no way to grow your business (in fact it doesn't work for ANYONE!). We'll look at how to package your products to maximise your revenue, and what to charge for them so you are getting paid what you're worth. And we'll uncover your Money Mindset!
Module 6 – Easy Sales
This is possibly the most valuable module for any NT! How to sell in an easy way that makes you feel good, not ‘icky'. We'll dig into how to do your Discovery Calls, and I even share with you the script that we use to get clients excited to work with us.
Module 7 – Client Experience
As well as talking you through how to deliver successful programmes for your clients, making sure they are super happy and more importantly super compliant, we'll also look at how to turn them into raving fans so you get lots of referrals.
Module 8 – Systems & Tools
You need some simple tools and systems in place to be able to support you and help you grow. There are so many different ones out there, we'll demystify them and show you the ones that really work for NT's and save you valuable time, energy and money!
Module 9 – Success Mindset & Self Care
Having a success mindset is absolutely vital to keep you on track towards your goals. We'll look into how to deal with failure, how to keep going when if feels hard and how to build a great support network to help you. And we'll be looking at your self care throughout all of this. How to keep yourself healthy and in balance.
Here's what Rachel thought of the course
See what these NT's thought of the programme;
Hear how Ruth got the confidence to charge more so she could work less!
How long will it take to get a return on my investment?
It totally depends on you! If you do the work and implement what I teach, it shouldn't take long at all to get your first high paying client. Watch Ruth's story, she got her investment back within a month of starting the programme. And now she has so many high paying clients, she has taken on another NT!
How much time will this course take up?
I”m not going to lie, there is work to do as you go through this programme, just like nutrition, there's no quick fix! But you can go at your own pace through each of the modules, everything is recorded, so if you can’t keep up it’s no problem. You have lifetime access to all of it. What I would say is that if you’re truly committed to building a business you love, you need to carve out some time to work on it each week.
I have been practising a while, will this still benefit me?
If you are struggling in any area of your business, whether that's getting clients, consistent income, marketing, sales, working too hard (like Ruth!), or anything else, it's really helpful to revisit your foundations and make sure they're still solid. More often than not, we haven't done this work in much depth and eventually this can have an impact on our business success. Doing the course will enable you to review your foundations and fix what's not working for you.
I have no idea how I'm going to make money from this. Nobody where I live is prepared to pay for my services.
In the programme, I will teach you all the things that are wrong about this sentence! Firstly, it's a huge assumption (I gave up making assumptions a LONG time ago!). Secondly, you are not trapped in your local area, you have the whole world at your disposal now that we're all online. And thirdly, if you don't believe in yourself and value your own worth, your potential clients are not going to either. We flip this around in the programme so that you get paid what you're worth.
I'm still studying, should I wait til I qualify?
If you don't want to waste any time once you qualify, this course will help you hit the ground running. Get some momentum going right from the start. There's no point waiting! Get this course under your belt, and not only will you be in really good shape when you kick off, you'll hopefully avoid the mistakes that I made!
You want to have a successful business not just a hobby
You want to earn MORE, work LESS and have a bigger IMPACT
Your Investment
Pay in Full
Pay in 3
Pay in 12
Finally, a programme for NT's, designed by an NT, to get you earning more money, working less and making a bigger impact.