A 2 part online course with everything you need to create a super efficient, tried and tested clinical practice

I'm Lauren Lovell, registered Nutritional Therapist, and Operations Manager at Happy Hormones for Life.

Over the last 10 years working with Nicki, I've built a successful and super BUSY clinic helping clients with every kind of health issue! As Nicki grew the business and we got more and more clients, I had to develop systemised and efficient processes so that we could manage as many clients as we needed to.

Nicki and I are both passionate about supporting NT's to be successful so that we can reach more people. WITHOUT BURNING OUT!

And that's exactly what the NT Clinical Academy does. I teach you how to WORK LESS and build a clinical practice that is tried, tested and super efficient.

And I mentor you the whole way. Whether you're just starting out and need to fast track your clinical knowledge, or if you just want to systemise your clinic so you can take more time off, I'll help you get there.

If you're an experienced practitioner;

* Would you like to process and systemise your clinical practice so you can work less and be more efficient?

* Do you have a clear and mapped out client journey so that they have the best experience with you?

If you are just starting out or haven't had many clients;

* Would you love a ‘clinic in a box' so you have it all done for you?

* Do you want tried and tested protocols so you can feel more confident with your clients?

* Would you love to learn how to analyse key functional tests in minutes?

* Would you like an experienced coach or mentor to discuss cases with and support you?

If you're not sure which one is right for you, or you just want to discuss if it's a good fit for you, click the button below to book a call with Lauren

Course Overview

Systems & Processes

A 6 week course with the systems and processes you need to create an efficient and streamlined clinical practice

27th Sept – 9th Nov

6 Online Systems/Processes Modules – step by step weekly in-depth trainings to give you exactly what you need to have a successful and efficient clinical practice
The Happy Hormones For Life processes, templates, health questionnaire, robust legal contract, client journey mapping & consultation optimisation tips – yours to upload straight into your client management system
Step by step support setting up and maximising your Practice Better account (if appropriate)
6 Live Q&A check ins with Lauren to review progress and answer any questions. Access to recordings that you can keep and watch any time.

The NT Clinical Academy

Combining Systems & Processes, PLUS Clinical Skills, Support and Mentoring, this is your ‘Clinic in a Box' 12 week programme to create your own super efficient, tried and tested clinical practice.

27th Sept – 20th Dec

Everything in ‘Systems & Processes' PLUS:
4 Online Clinical Skills Modules – step by step weekly in-depth trainings to give you exactly what you need to enhance your clinical skills and confidence in supporting your clients
The Happy Hormones For Life tried and tested protocols, testing interpretations, clinical pearls and supplement recommendations – yours to keep and use in your own practice
4 Live Clinical Case Study calls with Lauren. Client cases will include protocols and test interpretations around 3 main systems; hormones, gut health and autoimmunity.

3 Months FREE access to the private NTCA Membership group where you can get support and additional mentoring (worth £141)

Pay Monthly;
Or Pay In Full;

See what these NT's thought of the programme;

What are the main challenges for new or inexperienced NT's?


Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed with all the information you need to have to work with clients? Especially complex clients?

We have 6 years experience in supporting clients with all kinds of issues. We can give you all the tools and mentoring you need so that you can deal with any client with confidence.


Whether you're just starting out or you've been going a while, sometimes it's hard to feel confident in what you're doing for your clients.

We can give you that second opinion, and our tried and tested protocols so that you can feel confident in your practice knowing that your clients are getting the best support.

Not enough experience

If you're just starting out, or haven't seen that many clients, you may feel you just don't have the experience you need to get clients the best results.

This course will fast track the years as we share our 8 years + experience with you in helping clients get great results. We will show you how to interpret key tests, and the best protocols for common issues.

What are the main challenges for experienced NT's?

Working too hard

If you are spending hours researching each client and writing up ‘perfect' notes, you are not only working for a very low hourly rate, but you're also more likely to burn out as you're working too hard.

With the right processes, systems and templates in place, you will spend hardly any time outside of your 1-1 client time, allowing you to earn more and work less!

Feeling alone

When you work for yourself, it can be lonely experience. Having someone to check in with and connect with is really important when you're an NT.

Both programmes have weekly sessions with your coach and mentor to review & answer questions and keep you accountable. Plus a chance to join our fabulous NTCA membership community.

Scaling Your Business

Sometimes we get TOO busy! Working hard in your clinic you may not have the time or energy to see what you need to do to scale your business, so that you can have more time and still grow your income and impact.

We show you how to systemise your clinic so that you can start to get some help and scale up!

More NT Reviews!

This is the best NT teaching course I've done ever!

The course is worth every penny and I can highly recommend it. If you are on the fence – Just DO It!

Angelika Cutuk-Short

I now have all the systems in place that I need to run a busy clinic.

I would definitely recommend this course to anyone who is either starting out as a nutritionist or have been in practice for some time but needs to streamline their systems and processes to save time on admin so that they can grow their business.

Sue Morgan

This course is amazing! It saved me hours of my precious time and stress.

It's all there and I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS COURSE if you're struggling with running the practice smoothly, spending too much time on writing protocols or if you simply just starting your NT journey.

Kasia Walusiak

This course is just brilliant!

I'm so disappointed it's over but I'm so pleased I jumped in and did this, I've learned SO much and enjoyed every single minute of it.

Hayley Bicknell Smith

This course has given me the confidence to see clients knowing I now have all the tools I need.

I would highly recommend; in fact I would say it is essential for all newly trained NTs to attend if you want to set up and manage a successful business. Definitely well worth the investment!

Jo Barrett

I have learned tips and tricks which would have taken me years of trial and error to figure out!!

It has enabled me to see that a slick and streamlined practice is possible and that I don't need to spend hours and hours preparing for one consultation.

The investment is 100% worth it.

Gemma Barnes

Systems & Processes

(6 weeks; 27th Sept – 7th Nov 2024)

Module 1 – Client Journey

In the first module we will be showing you how to map your client journey, from discovery call to working with you. You will create your own operating manual and code of conduct, and we will cover how, why and when to scale if you need to.

Module 2 – Onboarding

In Module 2 we teach you the systems to professionally onboard a client to minimise overwhelm (and buyers remorse) whether you're a solo practitioner or team clinic. Plus how to systemise your testing processes and interactions with labs.

Module 3 – Practice Better

In this module we'll be looking in detail at Practice Better. How to use and optimise the different functionality so that it works for your practice.

Module 4 –  Consultation Prep

In Module 4 we will be talking about your consultation booking processes and admin (saving you TONS of time!) plus how to prepare for consultations using templates and the client hub.

Module 5 – Consultation Delivery

In Module 5 we will be talking about delivering your client programmes with ease and efficiency. Top tips on time management, goals, MyMop, compliance, communication of test results plus systemised processes and templates for every stage.

Module 6 –  Wrap Up & Review

In the final Module of this section, we share how to wrap up a client so that they go away knowing they've had a great experience, and tell all their friends! We include templates for referrals, how to review and measure progress, upselling and getting a dazzling testimonial.

Bonus Module: Packages & Pricing

In this extra bonus module, Nicki shares her tips on how to create packages with prices that reflect your value. When you have great packages, you will earn more, work less and get better results for your clients.

Systems & Processes is for you if:

You want to have systems and processes in place so you spend less time on admin

You want Done For You templates that you can just slot in to your own clinic

You want to have a clear client journey map in place so your clients get the very best experience and are your best advocates

You want to be able to scale once you get busy

You want to learn from someone who has been there and done it

The NT Clinical Academy
(27th Sept – 20th Dec) 

Module 7 – Hormones

Part 1; TESTING – we will be covering in depth the amazing Dutch test that we use in clinic to assess hormone levels and behaviour. We'll share when to use it, and discuss real-life examples to make interpretation so much easier for you.
Part 2; PROTOCOLS – we will share our tried and tested protocols for sex hormone imbalances, detox support and adrenal issues.

Module 8 – Bloods

Part 1; TESTING – we'll be teaching you all about the Medichecks blood test; overview, interpretation and examples of when and how to use it.
Part 2; PROTOCOLS – covering diet, lifestyle and supplement protocols for thyroid, autoimmunity, metabolic and nutrient imbalances.

Module 9 – Gut Health

In this module we'll be looking in detail at Practice Better. How to use and optimise the different functionality so that it works for your practice.

Module 10 – Protocol Management

In the final Module, we'll be looking at how to develop a protocol for a package, and how to prioritise and stage your protocols (our ‘protocol staging pyramid'!) for the best client results.

Bonus Modules:

Self Care

In this bonus module, we share some simple tools and systems that we have in place to support you including how to manage your time, emails and communications and setting boundaries so that you stay healthy and don't burn out.

Packages & Pricing

In this extra bonus module, Nicki shares her tips on how to create packages with prices that reflect your value. When you have great packages, you will earn more, work less and get better results for your clients.

The NTCA Programme Is For You IF:

You want to have systems and processes in place so you spend less time on admin

You want Done For You templates that you can just slot in to your own clinic

You want to have a clear client journey map in place so your clients get the very best experience and are your best advocates

You want to be able to scale once you get busy

You want to learn from someone who has been there and done it

You want to fast track your clinical experience

You want to learn how to interpret key tests in less time and with confidence

You want to learn tried and tested protocols for your clients

You want to offer packages that work for your clients

You want to have an experienced coach and mentor to support you

Pricing Options

Pay Monthly;

Or Pay In Full;

Finally, a programme for NT's, designed by NTs, to give you the confidence, tools and systems so that you can focus on helping more people without burning yourself out.

If you have any questions or you want to see if it's right for you, click the button below to book a call with Lauren